The mind keeps running sometimes into the past and sometimes into the future. By running around in these unnecessary thoughts, the mind becomes disturbed, sad, and fearful. When many types of negative thoughts come into the mind, then it is called Vikalp (Negativity). It takes determination (sakalap) to eliminate this option. Chanting mantras is very beneficial to give positivity to the mind. ‘‘You can take any one mantra like you can take the Vedic mantra 'Satyam Param Dhimahi’.It means, 'May that ultimate truth slope into my intellect.’, another mantra like Vasudev kutumkam (all earth is family) and can take other scientifically verified powerful mantras like the Gayatri mantra, Maha martunjaya Mantra and ‘om’ chanting, etc., For this sit still and start chanting it again and again with closed eyes. Then whenever you remember this chanting while working during the day, start chanting it with open eyes i.e. the sound of the mantra should continue within you. You will find that your mind will gradually begin to calm down and negative thoughts will leave you. It's a great way to calm your mind and reduce stress. The repetition and focus help you feel more at ease. Continuous practice of mantra can increase the mind's stability. By the chanting mantra, the mind received more oxygen in comparison to the normal situation. Chanting mantras is similar to a simple mental exercise that you can practice anytime and anywhere. It has the potential to improve your mood, promote positivity, and foster a spiritual connection. So, why not give it a try?
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Author Ram Krishan Sharma

Myself a retired person from Government department and starting new career option as editor/content creator. I have done diploma in naturopathy and for society I consult people about their health and treatments. I am also starting to write my thoughts on various topics.
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