About Us
We belive in sharing knowledge
We are enough smart to have knowledge of certain fields but we keep our knowledge hidden. Our expressing power is not so good that we can tell our audiance what we are thinking.
To overcome this we pick notepad and start writing, and belive us it gives lot of satisfaction. We can express our thoughts, share incidents, visions and get friends of same interest. You can register here to join authors team.
Our History
2007 -
Simple website with some custom category articles written by admin and team.
2008 -
Website chagned to article hosting website which free author account.
2014 -
redesigned website with new theme, fast loading time and user friendly.
2016 -
website changed to share health and medical related article mainly. authors can submit articles freely on the other topics also.
Our Testimonials
Quisque finibus urna in venenatis semper. Do nec vitae mauris eget nibh effici tur porttitor.
Juanita Olive
Do nec vitae mauris eget nibh effici tur pottitor. Prae sent urna ipsum, tincidunt et lacus lacinia ven
Monty Alexander
Do nec vitae mauris eget nibh effici tur pottitor. Prae sent urna ipsum, tincidunt et lacus lacinia ven